LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading & Bristol is a learning programme that encourages young children to connect practically with architecture, engineering, and railway history.
The project, delivered by ARCHI-adventure, in partnership with the Reading Civic Society, fits fully the STEM elements of the Curriculum, engaging over 1,000 primary school children in Reading and Bristol.
The project is funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering under the Ingenious Awards programme, Early Charity, and Network Rail and supported by Great Western Railways and Ways and Means Trust. Our delivery partners are Stantec, Ridge and Partners, Mott MacDonald, Weston & co architects and Taziker.
LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station 2022 - 2024
The project engaged over 1,300 Key Stage 2 children and 480 models of train stations were designed and built.
48 workshops were delivered at the following schools: Brookfields Special School / Calcot Primary School / Caversham Park Primary School / English Martyrs Primary School / E P Collier Primary School / Hemdean House School / Hillside Primary School / Katesgrove Primary School / Micklands Primary School / New Christ Church Primary School / Oxford Rd Community School / Southcote Primary School / St Anne’s Primary School / St Edwards’ Prep / St John's CE Primary School / St Martin’s Primary School / Thameside Primary School / The Avenue Special School / The Heights Primary School / Whitley Park Primary / Wilson Primary School.
The project received a commendation in the ‘School Collaborations’ (Inspire Future Generation Awards) by the Thornton Education Trust
LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading and Bristol
The programme reaches 20 more schools in Reading and Bristol, starting with an introductory video which explains about the history of British Railway, train stations structures and things to consider when designing a good new station.
Each school visits Reading Station or Bristol Temple Meads during which the children will receive a Station Safety briefing provided by GWR.
The modelling workshops are delivered with workshop leaders from local engineering companies and architectural practices in Reading and Bristol. Using a wide range of materials, and responding to a set design brief, students will work in teams of 3 to build their station. Each school will then select a representative model from each class. An independent panel will later select the top three models from across all schools, that will be displayed at the LOOK DRAW BUILD exhibitions:
29th March at the Oracle Shopping Centre
7th June at Cabot Circus
‘As a whole, the class relished what was, for them, a unique challenge that none of them had attempted before. Having the trip to Reading and Didcot Stations helped to really whet their appetites for the design task. What was particularly pleasing (from a teacher’s point of view), is that the students in the winning team are ones who have a lot of struggles academically and don’t often have a lot of ‘wins’ when it comes to the National Curriculum’s core subjects. It was therefore highly pleasing to see them ‘top of the pile’ for once (and on pure merit).’
Tim Crooks, Year 5 Team Leader, Whitley Park Primary School
‘The whole event has been amazing, the students loved seeing the history of the station, and the visit to Reading Station was brilliant, and the students enjoyed their train trip. The workshop was incredible, to see the students come together and work as a team and take each other’s ideas on board was totally amazing.’
Louise Aspell, Careers and Work-Related Learning, The Avenue Special School
‘It was a delight to be able to engage and encourage the children to be inquisitive and creative, developing a passion for design and discovery through their concepts for the Reading station of tomorrow.’
Aaron Taylor, Principal, Business Development and Education Leader, Stantec
‘Ridge has had a wonderful first-time experience being part of the LOOK DRAW BUILD project. Members of staff of different teams (transport planning and architecture) spent a morning at Calcot Primary School, encouraging the children to learn about the different elements of railway stations and process involved in designing them, including the architecture, public space around them, history and technology. Looking forward to being involved again next year’.
Milena Martínez, Principal Transport Planner, Ridge and Partners LLP
‘This has been a fantastic experience for us to mentor the children on such an exciting project. It was clear to see that the process has helped develop their understanding of the built environment, their creative problem solving and team working skills. We have been amazed by the brilliant diversity of ideas and creative solutions which have been constructed by all the groups we have been assisting.’
Chris Weston, Architect, Weston & Co Architects Ltd